Who we were

A casual basejka experience

Keeping basejka chill.

This is a Jedi Academy server that aims to keep the vanilla basejka experience while providing a casual and stable environment for people that don't want to get sweaty with TFFAs or duels 24/7. We are wanting to take what the JA+ servers have done, but in base.

From 2016-18, this server was used for the SHADOW ØRDER clan, whose goals were similar. After disband, we feel the core goal is still important, so the server was repurposed.

Please note that this server is not moderated. There are no rules or admins to come resolve any issues you may experience. This is important to remember, but also what keeps the server unique. If you have a problem with another player, you may need to take a break or find another server that they are not on.
  • Casual FFA gameplay
  • Voting allowed
  • Anyone is welcome
  • OpenJK base
  • Custom maps optional
  • No rules


Where to play

Our Jedi Academy server

This is a basejka server running basejka+ located on the east coast of the US.
GameTracker page found here.

/connect base.jka.io

Mods and maps we use

Ranks & Rules

We keep it simple


Shadow Leader

Lead Admin

Leader of the clan and Shadow Council. Makes big picture decisions and facilitates everything along with the council.

  • Focuses on the management side of the clan
  • Manages the website, Discord, and game server
  • Meets with the Shadow Council to discuss anything major or minor in regards to the clan's operations

Shadow Council


Joined with the Shadow Leader, the Shadow Council run the clan. They make decisions as a group that focus on fun, safety, and general operability.

Jedi Ranger


Moderators and enforcers. They help keep the peace on the server and make sure everything is running smoothly for everyone, especially in the absence of the council.

Jedi Knight


Knights are the the general members of the clan. They are dedicated server patrons and players that want to be part of the Shadow Order family and to see it grow and succeed.


General server rules

Jedi Academy
  • Don't be a jerk, first and foremost. The easiest and simplest rule. This includes creating a hostile environment towards others. Respect others and play nice.
  • Speak in English when possible. Occasional non-English conversations are fine.
  • Keep your Shadow Order tags in your name when on our server. You don't need to keep them on other servers, but do remember you represent our clan, even without them.
  • Multiclanning is not allowed, unless it is a non-clan competitive team, but if it affects your activity in this clan, you may be removed. You also won't be promoted past the Jedi rank.
  • Recruiting is allowed on our server, to an extent. Spamming recruitment messages, just like spamming anything, is annoying and won't be tolerated for long.
  • Try to stick with one name. If you use multiple aliases, make one your own, at least in this clan. It gets confusing to newcomers, and especially those that don't speak good English.
  • Swearing is allowed, but insults are not. Keep drama to a minimum. If you have an issue with a member, bring it to the attention of the council, take a break, cool off. Starting petty squabbles is silly.
  • The phenomenon known as "laming" does not exist on our servers. Laming is killing someone with their saber off and/or their chat bubble is up. Unless someone is genuinely getting upset about it, lame all you want.
  • Voting is enabled on the server, however if people deny your request for a map or gametype change, don't spam it. You could find yourself vote kicked for being obnoxious. And don't vote for a change if people are genuinely having a good time where they're at. Even if you get majority to vote for yours, those that didn't want it might never come back to our server.


Where we play

Our Jedi Academy server

This is a basejka server running basejka+ located on the east coast of the US.
GameTracker page found here.

/connect base.jka.io


Join the Order

How does a promising young adept join the ranks of the Shadow Order?

We are not recruiting

Normally we'd love to have you, however we are currently not recruiting. This page will be updated as soon as we are though. Stick around!

Keep up with us

Stay up to date with what is going on in the clan either on the forum, the Discord, or various social accounts below. Attending events is a good place to be noticed!

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